The Perna-Rose Foundation for Hope was founded by Janet Perna and Melanie Rose, both retired IBM executives.
Janet, having come from a middle income family in NY State and graduating from a NY state college, went on to enjoy a highly successful career in the corporate world. This Foundation is one of the ways she is "giving back" to the community.
Melanie wanted to find a way upon retirement to give back in thanks for her fulfilling career and experience at IBM. Participating in the funding for this foundation helped her achieve this goal.
The purpose of the foundation is to provide funding to domestic and international organizations which:
- Help people attain or regain self-sufficiency by providing
o Education
o Food, Clothing, Shelter
o Health and Well Being
o Support for Women in Business
- Support initiatives in Animal Welfare
The foundation assists organizations committed to improving communities in a sustainable way. We support organizations which teach people "how to fish".
As of June, 30, 2024, the Perna-Rose Foundation for Hope has donated $2,668,846 to deserving non-profits.
Click on this link to see our most recent IRS 990-PF filing.
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